Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to wash a jacket right way

Down jacket winter wear huge investment. Depending on your purchase of the brand, they can be a financial investment as well. With proper care and cleaning, your down jacket can last for years, you sought to provide warmth and comfort. Although professional cleaning is always an option, you can wash a down jacket at home and avoid additional costs dry. However, many people have found that although the fall is a wonderful filling a warm snuggly winter jacket, this is not the easiest to clean.
Down is fine, it's clean, but when it is dirty, needs a little care and attention to cleanliness, it becomes a problem. You how to clean, beautiful jacket, you have some time, than you want just a little dirty, perhaps not as warm as it is in the past? The first answer of course is dry and clean. A good dry cleaner should be able to dry down jacket. However, for some of the expensive, many people like to clean down jacket themselves.
So, if you want to clean up your own your own jacket. How do you do? Well, the first time, like everything, you need to get it clean preparation. Take all of the pockets, shake out the cracks and fissures accumulated "stuff", but just do it. You do not need any pretreatment. Choose your washing machine on delicate cycle. Fill with cold water and mild detergent added to the washing machine. You can buy detergent for cleaning fabrics, but if you can not find this type of product, will do any mild detergent. Placed in the washing machine's coat, and let the washing and drying. Remove the coat, gently shake to remove excess water. Water-resistant outer layer, may not be able to remove the spinning process. Remain above the washing machine, so that excess water is still dripping. Remove the jacket from the machine, so that all excess water, drop out or gently squeeze, and then lying down, then remove the extra water with a clean towel. Once you are confident that all the excess water to remove it for the next time. You can do, as long as it is outside in warm weather, because it is not too much wind or too hot, or dryer, but the same can not be too hot. As the dry, you need hair down from time to time just to make sure it is not all the groups of drying in a ball. It needs to separate, so that it can resume its "attic."
2 placed in the dryer clean tennis. You can also use a clean tennis shoes. The club down the hair dry, it helps. Dry low heat and coat check, every 10 minutes to prevent overheating. Shake and fluff the coat jacket and continue to dry until completely dry. Front load washing machine no agitator washing, if possible. Add a large dry towel to absorb moisture and dryer in the drying rate. In a dry sunny day, the hair dry in the dryer jacket on the line. Avoid high-calorie, as this may damage your jacket. Be sure to read your specific washing instructions on the jacket.

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